Saturday, June 11, 2011

Stock market plunges and so does the marriage

Could there be a worse time for selling your stock portfolio? The stock market is plunging and your 'paper' money is losing its worth daily. Don't sell out now. That's for cowards....Stay with it and wait for good things to start happening. The stock market goes through cycles.

Same with your marriage...Things couldn't look worse, but I'm suggesting that you don't bail out. The only time I  would strongly suggest bailing out is if you are married to someone who physically abuses you or is a sociopath. Otherwise, don't be  a coward. Working on the marriage can make you and the marriage stronger. Face the problems and discuss them with your partner. If you can't work things out, go to a therapist, alone or together. Marriage is not a disposable item. Save your marriage!

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