Monday, June 20, 2011

What Attracts Us

What is it that attracts us to Facebook? I've already said that it is instant communication with 'friends' who are 'there' for us. But is it more? Those of us who are on for hours a day must derive some form of pleasure other than virtual friendships. We collect friends and check on how many friends we have compared to others. Some develop a power structure the likes of which they would never have in the real world. If an argument takes place, the friends take sides and can even 'block' the person with whom we argue. This makes us important.
Perhaps there is a voyeuristic nature in some of us. We can check in on our friends and see what they are doing day to day. Is life really greener on the other side? We can even find out what some are eating or cooking, decorating, buying, wearing, thinking....It's almost like peeking in the window of someone elses house.We have exposed our own private lives to all who are willing to read about it - friends and strangers. But it's all fine and healthy because it's Facebook (Twitter, etc) and everybody does it. Is it, in fact, fine an healthy?


  1. Personally, I think that communication technology has changed society. Young folk (and some oldsters) play their whole life out in social media -- as if they are starring in their own soap opera. They have become dependent on others for affirmation. Many are so busy multitasking that they become half-baked humans and half-baked friends.
    Me? I march to my own drummer. After a bad experience a few years back, I became a full-time lurker. I read FaceBook for the pictures, the jokes, the links to videos & articles.
    As for friendship... we might not be the best of buddies; you might hate me as a neighbor or the way I part my hair... but if you were to call me at 2:00 in the morning because you needed to hear a voice, you would have my undivided attention. Why? "Cuz that's what a person should do.
    And as soon as I click "post" I will feel like a fool. Back to lurking. :)

  2. I enjoyed reading your response, especially your reference to the half-baked humans/half-baked friends. Thank you for expressing your feelings and thoughts.
