Friday, July 15, 2011

A Wedding full of Love

Oftentimes people approach a bride during the wedding and remark about her inner glow. The glow signifies the happiness that we interpret as true love. This past weekend  another kind of wedding took place , a wedding between two men. Both men glowed and both men were brimming over with what could only be interpreted as true love.
This gay wedding was attended by many friends, but also by relatives who had commented in advance that they might feel uncomfortable because of their conservative beliefs about the definition of marriage. But by the end of the ceremony these same people were heard to say that their beliefs and feelings had changed dramatically. They had come full circle just by observing the love between two men, as well as by the friends and family who love and support these men. It was an extraordinary event. Most everyone was stating that it was the best wedding that they had ever attended.
It seems to me that those who question gay marriages have never been to this kind of celebration of love. It seems to me that everyone should have this opportunity. It is an amazing experience. 
After all, love is love is matter what size, shape or sex the person might be.


  1. Serendipity - happening upon something good by chance.
    Yesterday I came upon an editorial of wishing H*ll, fire and damnation upon the mentally sick people who participate in the current fad of being gay. The author is a college freshman; Christian Republican; scholar; blah, blah, blah...
    My first thought was that if she already has a closed mind and is so filled with hate, she's got a long, miserable life ahead of her. My second was that her letter was properly punctuated.

    Your blog reaffirmed my faith that there is still some sanity (and open minds) in this world. The timing was perfect!

    Thank you and best wishes to the newlyweds!

  2. Thank you. I feel sorry for that college freshman who appears to be very rigid in her beliefs. Fortunately she is beginning to be outnumbered by those of us who believe in equality for all.
