Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Intuition, Where Does it Come from?

There are times when I see an airplane land and my thoughts go to Jackie Kennedy Onassis' fears for her son, John Kennedy Jr. -  I wonder how she just knew that he shouldn't fly. Mother's intuition or something more? What causes our greatest fears? Can these fears be attributed to rational thinking or something more? Have you ever had an overwhelming feeling of panic that you shouldn't do something and it turned out you were right? Are only certain people predisposed to these 'Twilight Zone' moments? Coincidence or not?

From Intuition-Research.net:

 The word ‘intuition’ comes from the Latin in-tueri. This is often roughly translated as meaning ‘to look inside’ or ‘to contemplate’. Intuition is an involuntary and ubiquitous phenomenon this is pervasive across national cultures (many different languages have a word for it) and throughout history (the poets and scholars of Classical Greece and Rome wrote about intuition).  In everyday English we frequently use terms like ‘hunch’ or ‘gut-feeling’.

Jacqueline Kennedy's intuition for her son: spiritual, an irrational fear,  an overprotective mom, or something else?

 What do you think?

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